Member Benefits

The National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) is the only association that advocates on behalf of workforce development boards (WDBs), representing over 580 WDBs and their 12,000+ business members. NAWB’s mission is to support its members through a comprehensive program of advocacy, training and technical assistance (TTA), communication, and strategic partnerships to promote the advancement of our nation’s workforce. NAWB membership grants exclusive access to world-class leadership development opportunities, regular policy updates from Washington, professional development opportunities, peer-to-peer networking, technical assistance, advocacy, and more.


Breakdown of Member Benefits



NAWB works closely with policymakers in Washington, DC and with partners in education, economic development, labor, and business to inform federal workforce policy.

 Membership benefits include:

  • Tools and templates to help you educate elected officials about how federal policy proposals affect workforce boards and the communities we serve
  • Federal policy updates in NAWB’s weekly newsletter, including timely opportunities to advocate for workforce policy
  • Monthly virtual meetings with NAWB’s government relations staff on public policy topics, including opportunities for Q&A
  • Access to information about members of Congress and federal policymaking and rulemaking activity.
  • Provide technical assistance and guidance on submitting comments and feedback to Congress and federal agencies
  • Provide an opportunity to participate in a public policy conference and advocacy event in Washington, DC


Professional Development

Professional Development

NAWB members receive exclusive access to events and resources that help your organization stay up to date on the latest practices and tools in the field, including:

  • Access to town hall webinars on various subjects;
  • Access to recordings from previous professional development events;
  • Access to the new NAWB Connect social networking platform;
  • Participation in Coffee & Conversation sessions where members can chat directly with experts in the field.
  • NAWB Executive Bootcamp - Training for executive workforce development board staff. A total of 60 hours of content and learning. Bootcamp will provide the knowledge, tools, and peer-to-peer learning needed to thrive in the ever-changing workforce development world.
  • Advancing Equity Leadership Academy - NAWB and The Council for Adult Experiential Learning (CAEL) have joined forces to drive systemic change and create a future where economic opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics. NAWB and CAEL recognize that addressing these systemic issues requires an action-oriented approach if we want to effect real change.
  • Peer-to-peer shared resources 


Networking Opportunities

NAWB offers multiple opportunities for peer-to-peer networking for members, including:

  • NAWB Connect – A new online community platform NAWB members can use to connect directly with fellow members across the country. Members can create individual profiles, engage with topic-specific communities, search for other members with similar interests and become part of the knowledge-sharing network foundational to WDBs. 
  • Coffee & Conversations – Virtually engage with other NAWB members from across the country during monthly conversations around specific workforce topics, including federal policy, innovations, and upcoming events.
  • Member Zone – At The Forum, members can access the “Member Zone,” or an exclusive area at the event venue with seating, refreshments and more to connect with other NAWB members. 
  • Invitation to join NAWB Leadership and Board for Annual Membership meeting



NAWB members stay informed on the latest in workforce development through:

  • Weekly members-only postcard; 
  • Monthly “Workforce Digest” newsletter;
  • Alerts and reminders for members-only professional development events;
  • Alerts on new and closing funding opportunities for WDBs; and,
  • Toolkits to assist members with social media messages, letters to the editor, congressional communications, etc. 



The Forum

NAWB’s annual event The Forum is the largest convening for workforce development professionals in the country. Members-only benefits at this annual event include:

  • Participation in The Forum empowers you to contribute to the shaping of national workforce policies and initiatives. 
  • Members receive significant discount on the event registration fee; and,
  • Discount hotel room rate.


Member Portal

Member Portal

The NAWB member's portal ( grants members exclusive access to:

  • Job listings in the career center;
  • New and closing requests for proposals (RFPs);
  • Members-only publications;
  • Funding opportunities;
  • Speaking requests; and,
  • Technical assistance services. 

Business Partnerships

Business & Industry Partnerships

NAWB initiates and fosters partnerships with leaders in business & industry. The Business & Industry Alliance comprises a growing group of allies working directly with NAWB to advance key workforce programs. 


Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance & Coaching

While NAWB provides general technical assistance to WDBs that need it, we give priority and discounts to NAWB members. Our team offers training for Elected officials, which we also focus towards members at a lesser fee than non-members.



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