Measuring SNAP ET Program Success and Continuous Improvement
NAWB Network Wide
A continuous improvement process can help workforce development boards to regularly and consistently review data, leading to data-informed decisions that better support participants to gain and sustain employment at a livable wage. Measuring SNAP E&T Program Success and Continuous Improvement webinar will help workforce boards think about the alignment between WIOA's performance metrics and SNAP E&T's metrics, the flexibility to serve under-resourced populations, and how to establish your own metrics and continuous improvement process. Presenters will provide first-hand examples of how a local workforce development board utilized program data to identify disparities and develop strategies to improve program delivery and outcomes. Presenters will also preview a Data and Continuous Improvement resource to aid workforce development boards in leveraging data to inform a continuous improvement process and how best to connect their programming to their local area needs.
- Armando Antonino, Program Manager, Workforce Southwest Washington
- Chelsea Haley, Manager, Third Sector Capital Partners
- Jenny Zhong, Director, Third Sector Capital Partners